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The purposes of ii Films Ministries, Inc. are: 

(1) to advance, encourage, educate, and inspire individuals in Christian faith through the production, dissemination, and support of motion pictures, curriculum, music and other media that inform and educate members of the general public about the saving grace of Jesus Christ and life in the Christian faith; 

(2) to provide a community, resources, and opportunities designed to educate, inspire, train, equip, and enable individuals in using their time and talents in creative and media-related pursuits to the glory of God; 

(3) to communicate and share the hope and life-changing grace available through Jesus Christ, challenge individuals to grow in faith and the knowledge of God, strengthen families, and encourage positive, God-honoring relationships; and 

(4) to undertake any other necessary activities related to the accomplishment of the purpose stated above.

© 2020 by ii Films Ministries

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​Mail us: 

21261 Old Lake George Blvd NW
Oak Grove, MN  USA  55303

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