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At ii Films Minitstries, Inc. we feel our mission is to make Christ-centered entertainment and we know how to do it, but we need your support.  Making a quality production requires a substantial cast and crew, typically hundreds of extras, numerous people making meals, borrowing locations and vehicles, and much more.  As they say - it takes a village - and boy does it.  It is so rewarding seeing people come together for a greater good.  I liken it to the military in some ways.  There are people that are willing to go out there "in the ditches" for the greater good but they need people like you to fund the mission.

Thanks for your consideration.

All for His glory!

Scott Peterson


Those that donate $5000 or more become our LEGACY donors and will have their names in the end credits of every feature that iiFM produces. These films will be out there having an impact on the world long after we are gone - what a legacy.



You can set up a monthly donation to coincide with your tithing or your income.  Knowing that income is coming in will help us to budget for the upcoming films.



You can make a one-time contribution of any amount. Everything will help us to continue to put out great Christian films.


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